In the event you had been a baby of the 80s or 90s, you’d bear in mind the favored, sculptured dolls referred to as Cabbage Patch Youngsters. Practically each child had one, until your dad and mom opted to purchase the cheaper model. I had an analogous doll which I referred to as Judy. She got here with me after I was six to get my tonsils out. To today she nonetheless has the hospital band the nurse positioned round Judy’s arm after I had my operation.
The dolls turned a preferred toy due to the distinctive adoption course of which made it private and particular. Every doll got here with their very own distinctive identify and delivery certificates. Names may very well be formally modified nevertheless it was a course of and this added to their appeal. With a smooth physique to cuddle, candy garments to accessorise, lovable facial options and the enduring signature on the butt, the Cabbage Patch Child dolls hit the spot for retro youngsters.
See the signature of Xavier Robert on the underside? I used to be studying on My CP Assortment about figuring out the date from the signature, and it seems like this one was from 1985.
Figuring out Cabbage Patch Child from signature
- 1983 – Black
- 1984 – Inexperienced (Preemies and Overseas youngsters had Black siggies this 12 months)
- 1985 – Blue
- 1986 – Purple
- 1987 – Aqua
- 1988 – Lavender
- 1989 – Rose
Brooke hoped somebody may be capable to assist her with discovering out extra about her brother’s doll from the signature. Any suggestions? Simply go away it within the feedback. The one factor I used to be inquisitive about is the signature doesn’t appear to be the standard one from Xavier Robert (just like the doll pictured above). Nonetheless, it does appear to be one of many earlier signatures utilized by Xavier.
After we requested the BAFM group what your cabbage patch doll was referred to as, we had been blown away with the names. A few of them are hilarious. Others are a bit unusual. Any marvel a few of you requested a reputation change!
Jodie shared her doll referred to as Dwight Matthew, who she performed with when she was a baby, after which her son after her. Oh, mine had a kind of dummies too!
Here’s a checklist in alphabetical order of a few of the Cabbage Patch Youngsters that had been adopted within the 80’s and 90’s. A few of these ‘youngsters’ are 30 years previous. In order for you yours on the checklist additionally, merely go away a remark beneath.
Abbey Gwenda
Abbey Willma
Abby Jayne
Abigail Collette
Abigail Freda
Abigail Polley
Adam David
Adamina Jodie
Adelaide Atalie
Adelaide Felicia
Adelaide Phyllis
Adelaide Rose
Adele Rose
Adrian Roy
Adriana Xenia
Agatha Heather
Agatha Sabine
Aiden Keith
Aileen Una
Ailsa Galiana
Alan Ferinand
Albert Smith
Alden Reuben
Aldo Archibald
Aletta Cynthia
Alexander Bruce
Alexis Elisha
Alexis Karinda
Alfred Bernard
Alice Mildred
Alisha Suzette
Alistair Gerald
Alistair Humphrey
Aloha Erica
Aloha Ita
Alphonso James
Alwin Thurston
Alzena Portia
Amanda Willamina
Amarilis Crystal
Amarilis Crystal
Amaris Melanie
Amelia Wendella
Amorita Holly
Amorita Millicent
Amy Claudette
Amy Claudette
Amy Corrine
Amy Paula
Amy Violet
Analiese Jean
Anastasia Theodora
Andrew Matthew
Angela Holly
Angelic Rita
Angelica Bridget
Angus Joel
Anita Brenda
Anita Jane
Anna Clare
Anne Abner
Annette Agatha
Annette Theodora
Anthony Arnold
April Imogen
Archibald Claude
Aron Blayne
Ashleigh-Ann Roxanne
Ashley Neville
Ashley Spencer
Astra Abigail
Astra Greta
Astro Tracey
Athol Richard
Audrey Aileen
Audrey Hazel
Augusta Miriam
Augustus Bert
Auli Adel
Avril Louise
Babette Ann
Babette Lorraine
Bacana Lilly
Barry Avery
Barry Burt
Barry Stacey
Bartholemew Darrell
Basil Remus
Beatrice Heidi
Beccy Alice
Belinda Cara
Belinda Mae
Bernadete Nadia
Bernadette Tansy
Bernard Augustus
Bert Edmumd
Beryl Polly
Beth Debbie
Bianca Jade
Blanche Lorraine
Blanche Rose
Blythe Bridget
Bonnie Sophia
Boris Lancelot
Boyd Kenneth
Bradley Donald
Bradley Paul
Brenda Kay
Brenton Lowell
Brett Harvey
Brian Anthony
Bridget Ciara
Bridget Irene
Bridget Jemima
Bridie Melinda
Bridie Mitzy
Bronson Melvin
Bronwyn Alisha
Bronwyn Andrea
Bruno Byron
Brydie Adele
Brydie Sheila
Bud Antonio
Callow Wheezer
Cameron James
Candice Sybel
Sweet Sondra
Cara Corrina
Cara Corrina
Cara Marion
Cara Marion
Cara Could
Carl Aldo
Carling Alicia
Carolyn Madge
Carrie-Anne Philomena
Cassandra Ruby
Cassie Lorraine
Cassie Maree
Catherine Ophelia
Cathy Gisele
Caymee Raylene
Cecil Dexter
Charlene Darlene
Charles Vince
Charlotte Audrey
Charlotte Candice
Charlotte Yolande
Charmaine June
Charmaine Rosabella
Chastity Peggy
Chester Marsh
Chloe Alexis
Christine Gail
Christopher Shane
Cindy Charlotte
Cindy-Lou Lorolla
Claire Eloise
Claire Could
Clarence Augustus
Clarissa Elvira
Clarissa Loretta
Clarissa Regina
Claudia Peggy
Claudina Macy
Claudine Marcy
Cleo Adeline
Cleopatra Thalia
Colette Rhonda
Colleen Effie
Conrinna Maria
Constance Cleopatra
Constance Donna
Constance Mabel
Constance Marina
Constance Nora
Constance Rosalind
Cora Evelyn
Cordelia Loretta
Corey Cecil
Corey Lorraine
Corinne Lorena
Crystal Hannah
Curtis Jean
Daisy Astra
Daisy Bertha
Daisy Claire
Dale Rolph
Dana Katie
Danny Chester
Darcy Rose
David Dale
David Michael
Deanna Crystal
Deborah Nicole
Delseen Elga
Delvine Dwago
Derek Oscar
Desiree Denise
Dexter Gilroy
Diana Patrice
Dolcene Callie
Dolcene Chastity
Dolicine Willamina
Doloris Lillian
Doreen Wilma
Dory Damara
Dottie Clarissa
Dudley Edward
Dugley Clive
Dunstan Troy
Dusty David
Dwight Matthew
Earl Drew
Edlyn Marianne
Edwin Clancy
Effie Jessie
Effie Trudy
Egberta Elspeth
Elaine Jayne
Elenore Prudence
Elise Bathsheba
Elizabeth Emily
Elllen Patricia
Elma Therma
Eloise Cecelia
Eloise Madge
Eloise Myrtle
Elouise Madeline
Elsa Kay
Elsa Lila
Elvera Grace
Elvin Keegan
Elza Grazelda
Emalena Leonie
Emma Wilhemina
Emma-Lita Ruth
Endora Crystal
Enid Christabell
Ernest Maximilian
Esav Hansel
Esmeralda Doberama
Ethyldreda Bridie
Excalavar Jonathon
Fanny Sabina
Fantine Jemima
Fayne Lawrence
Felicity Bertha
Ferdinand Hugh
Ferica Rosa
Fern Clemintina
Fern Felicity
Fern Mimi
Fernando Jimmy
Fifi Virginia
Filomena Shelby
Fiona Ester
Fiona Janice
Fleur Petunia
Flora Lora
Florence Lenore
Floyd Archibald
Floyd Odell
Floyd Omar
Foster Steven
Francis Eliza
Frank Sydney
Frederick Ivan
Fredrick Dale
Frieda Norma
Frieda Willemina
Gabriella Helga
Gerald Craig
Gerald Philip
Geraldine Hermione
Gerda Alice
Gertrude Elizabeth
Gertrude Trudie
Gilda Cindy
Ginger Gabby
Ginnie Ramona
Giselle Pleasure
Gloria Jessica
Gonnelle Jeweller
Googie Jesse
Gordon Lewis
Gornella Nola
Grace Lynne
Greselda Catherine
Greta Adair
Greta Ulli
Grizelda Linda Gwenda
Guita Katrine
Gwenda Vanessa
Hampton Dudley
Hampton Titus
Hanna Alicia
Hannah Pleasure
Hargi Generva
Harley Boris
Harley Calvin
Harley Calvin
Harley Daniel
Harlow Addison
Harriot Evita
Harrison James
Hazel Theodore
Heather Florence
Heidi Honour
Henrietta Beatrix
Henrietta Jane
Holly Genevieve
Homoni Sandy
Honey Lillian
Honor Crystal
Honor Leda
Hugh Dwight
Humphrey Roy
Ignacia Gertrude
Igor Norris
Ingrid Sissy
Irene Augusta
Iris Audrey
Iris Ursula
Irma Lidouce
Isabelle Renata
Isobel Eloise
Ivan Xavier
Izac Xavier
Jacqueline Tanya
Jacques Patrick
James Clarke
Jan Lucille
Jane Criolla
Janet Sandra
Jaqueline Tanya
Jason Mason
Jean Elizabeth
Jean Elizabeth
Jeannie Cleopatra
Jeannie Freda
Jeannie Laverne
Jed Prescott
Jennifer Irma
Jenny Raney
Jeremiah Jacob
Jeremy Gordon
Jesamy Bree
Jessica Cousins
Jessica Leanne
Jessica Primrose
Jessica Rose
Jessie Samuel
Jill Michelle
Jill Rhonda
Jiselle Gabrielle
Joanna Loretta
Jocelyn Leonara
Jodi Velvet
Joelle Maddie
Josephine Catherine
Joshua Howard
Josie Cindy
Juanita Ingrid
Juanita Pualine
Jucy Clementine
Julia Hillary
Juliet Mindy
Juliette Anne
June Violet
Justine Wynona
Karen Linda Roberts
Karinda Trina
Katherine Religion
Katie Jane
Katie Marie
Katrina Louise
Keagan Errol
Kelly Grace
Kendra Grace
Kerry Emma
Kinglsey Claude
Kingsley Vance
Kirsten Kasey
Kirstie Nellie
Package Calliope
Kobi Jeanne
Kristy Lee
Lainey Afton
Lamarr George
Lana Sonia
Landon Christopher Roberts
Lara Aleisha
Lara Heather
Lars Garvey
Laura Cass
Laura Ezra
Laura Jane
Lauralie Lee
Lauren Trinette
Leah Elizabeth
Lee Coralee
Leila Nicky
Lesley Pamela
Leslie Abigail
Leslie Lola
Leslie Lola
Leticia Amanda
Leticia Henriette
Letitia Vicky
Libby Daisy
Lila Trudy
Linda Letitia
Lisa Marie
Lois Melanie
Lola Jane
Lola Jane
Lola Jean
Loraina Anne
Loretta Hermione
Loretta Hope
Lorina Godiva
Lorola Gretta
Lorolla Angelica
Lorolla Greta
Lorrita Zita
Lottie Mandy
Louisa Mary
Louise Akaela
Loveday Wilma
Lucretia Clementina
Lucy Coralli
Lydia Jade
Lynette Bernadette
Lynette Emma
Mabel Cindy
Mable Trudy
Madeline Chrissy
Madeline Fleur
Madison Maree
Magdalene Beatrice
Mahlia Roberta
Maisy Karinda
Malcom Ott
Mandy Amanda
Marcia Estelle
Maree Angela
Margarita Eartha
Marie Louise
Marigol Kinta
Marigold Rosa
Marina Ganali
Marina Rosemary
Marjorie Prudence
Mark Lionel
Martina Vivienne
Mary Kate
Maryanne Kate
Mattie Brenda
Maureen Geraldine
Maurian Ian
Maurice Winston
Megan Katie
Melanie Jospehine
Melanie Maxine
Melinda Jasmine
Meredith Madge
Merna Karen
Merrell Jessica
Meryl Astra
Michael James
Michelle Deidre
Miles Arthur
Miles David
Miriam Caroline
Miriam Doreen
Misty Constance
Monica Rita
Monique Cecilly
Montegue Gary
Moyna Lillian
Moyna Marina
Muriel Clarissa
Muriel Mable
Myonia Jane
Myra Hope
Myrtle Yasmin
Nadia Stella
Nana Shelby
Nancy Judith
Nanette Hannah
Narelle April
Narelle Eunice
Narlita Griselda
Natalie Jasmine
Natalie Laverne
Nathan Vincent
Nellie Gertrude
Nellie Leona
Nelly Allen
Nelly Cora
Nelson Frederick
Nicholas Xavier
Nicky Gabby
Nifty Neville
Nina Lucy
Nina Nina
Norma Gladis
Obillia Celest
Olga Patricia
Oliver Dean
Olivia Elizabeth
Olivia Elizabeth
Olivia Zita
Omar Yusuf
Ora Meryl
Orsan Darcy
Oswlad Manfred
Otis Lee
Otto Barton
Pamela Ann
Endurance Nola
Patricia Louise
Patrick Rodney
Patty Millicent
Patty Sue
Patula Betina
Paula Emma
Paula Nadia
Pauline Ita
Pauline Ita
Pauline Lola
Peggy Gabriel
Peggy Obelia
Peggy Octavia
Penelope Elizabeth
Penelope Leslie
Philamenia Daisy
Phillipa Laverne
Phillipa Ophilea
Phillipa Wilma
Pippa Louise
Pixie Maybella
Polly Leonie Koko
Pollyanna Audra
Portia Sharon,
Priscilla Angelica
Prudence Alice
Prudence Candace
Prudence Millicent
Queenie Yolanda
Queeny Melanie
Rachel Chloe
Raelene Jacinta
Ralph Rhy Woods
Ramona Jasmine
Raymond Alexander
Rebecca Louise
Rebecca Sally
Regina Lydia
Regina Endurance
Renata Hannah
Reva Ashleigh
Rhonda Ahha
Rhys Bryce
Riley Charlotte
Rita Endurance
Roberta Angelica
Roberty Bob
Robyn Jade
Roger Hugo
Ron Rodney
Ronald Melvin
Rosabella Daniella
Rosabella Nancy
Rosanne Leticia
Rosemary Daybreak
Rosemary Esther
Rosemary Louise
Rowena Guinevere
Rowena Merel
Rowena Moyna
Roxana Eldora
Roxanne Leonora
Roxey Anne
Roxey Louise
Roy Gerald
Rupert Kingsley
Russel James
Russel Bryant
Ruth Religion
Ruth Googie
Ruth Jodie-Lee
Rylee Jaye
Sabrina Fay
Sadie Louise
Sadie Ursula
Sallie Adina
Sally Faye
Samantha Ruby
Sammie Nicole
Sandra Papsy
Sarah Jane
Sarah Jane
Sarah Kerry
Sarah Louise
Sarita Violet
Scarlett Bernadette
Scarlett Gilda
Selina Beverley
Selwyn Lewis
Sheena Megan
Sheila Anika
Sheila Esmeralda
Sheldon Bernard
Shelly Beryl
Silvia Hazel
Simon Augustus Nash
Simon Duane
Simone Harriet
Sissy Cassie
Sissy Olivette
Sonia Cindy
Sophia Harley
Stacey Lee
Stacey Marie
Standford Dudley
Stella Ella
Stephanie Beverly
Stephanie Louise Gabriel
Stephanie Zita
Stephen Oliver
Susan June
Suzette Lavinia
Sybil Michelle
Sybil Petrina
Sylvia Cornillia
Sylvia Esmerelda
Sylvia Natalie
Sylvia Penelope
Sylvia Xavier
Tahleah Patrice
Tahlia Farika
Tahlia Fifi
Tamara Muriel
Tanya Julia
Tanya Marie
Teena Marie
Thedora Lisa
Thelma Cornwell
Thelma Wilma
Theodora Faye
Theodore Rodney
Theresa Doreen
Theresa Megan
Thomas Xavier
Tiffany Amber
Tiffany Chantalle
Timothy Murphy
Tina Pleasure
Tina Noria
Toby Adam
Tracey Carina
Trudy Nadia
Tui Clemintina
Tui Frieda
Ule Rita
Ule Xena
Una Esther
Una Jocelyn
Una Murial
Una Renee
Una Tatum
Valaska April
Valenska Lucille
Valerie Pleasure
Vana Adrianna
Vanessa Gertrude
Vanessa Lavern
Venora Jean
Venora Lynn
Vernon Jason
Veronica Sally
Violet Edit
Virigina Philipa
Vita Rosalie
Wallin Dillon Manny
Walter Rainier
Wanda Narelle
Wayne Brice
Wayne Scott
Wendella Rudy
Wendy Carmen
Wesley Rudy
Wia Vivienne
Wilamena Stefnie
Wilemena Marguerite
Winona Eartha
Winona Zita
Xavier Sydney
Yasmin Burley
Yeralla Megan
Yolandie April
Yula Petunia
Yuletide April
Yvette Grace
Yvette Louisa
Zabrina Adriana
Zara Crystal
Zebadee Lester
Zelia Serena
Zerlina Myrtle
Zona Camelia
In the event you’re anticipating a child and searching for some identify inspiration, you could possibly discover your child identify from this checklist.
Or not.
Anybody for Wallin Dillon Manny?
That is Sharron’s doll from her childhood within the late 80s. His identify is Russell James. These eyes.
Cabbage Patch Youngsters are nonetheless accessible right now and you’ll undertake one right here: Cabbage Patch Youngsters.
Keep in mind Candy Secrets and techniques?
Sharing Toys You Cherished With Your Youngsters
20 Retro Toys You Can Nonetheless Purchase In the present day